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. Tree Farmer Alert

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Over 750 readers and growing!

Colorado Tree Farmers are a network of land- owners that share forestry resources.

Tree Farm Local Group image

Feel free to forward this alert to a friend.

New readers, if you would like to receive an email alert like this whenever new information about the pine beetle epidemic or any other content is added to our website, write stumpmaker@gmail.com and ask to be added to the Tree farmer Alert email list. It's free!

Be confident that what you do in your forest
will improve it's health and sustainability for future generations.
Become a Tree Farmer!

Colorado Wood Utilization

Tree Farmers. 
CSFS now has a website where we make available many of our wood products utilization materials from our conferences and workshops.  Topics include marketing your wood products, solar dry kilns, business planning, website design, and wood-to-energy.  We update our site with materials from each of our events.  Simply visit http://warnercnr.colostate.edu/~eck/ and provide the following username and password information (all case sensitive).

Username:        csfs

Password:         wood4ever!

Important.  While the site does require a login, it is not a restricted site.  You may share the link and accompanying login information with anyone.  If you have trouble accessing our site or downloading any of the materials let me know.

Tim Reader
Utilization & Marketing Forester
Colorado State Forest Service
Durango, Colorado
(970)247.5250  Ph.



Larimer County Tree Farmers

DATE:            Saturday, August 17, 2013

TIME:             9:00AM – 2:30PM

PLACE:          Tahosa Valley near Estes Park


  • What do we do with all this wood and slash?
  • Where are the beetles
  • How long will it take for the forest to recover?

See Details

See Map


American Dragonhead

Thought I'd let you know that there's one more plant id of a really dominant plant! (in burned forests) I put it on my blog, with other stuff about the high park fire:
Indy Burke
Director, UW Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources


Aerial forest health survey, week 3

Attached is a brief summary of the results of my week 3 of the 2013 Colorado aerial forest health survey.  This report covers portions of the Wet Mountains, South Park and Pikes Peak.


William M. Ciesla Forest Health Management International 2248 Shawnee Court Fort Collins, CO 80525, USA (970) 482-5952 wciesla@aol.com




If this email was helpful,
please pass it on!


Got a question about your woods?

You can find the answers to many of your questions on our website, www.treefarmer.com, but that's a big place. If you get lost, write us and we'll help you find the answers.

We're your neighbors just down .the road, behind the green and white Tree Farm signs and we care about what's happening in our forests.

If you have questions, have an article that you'd like to contribute, or wish to discontinue receiving Tree Farmer Alerts please send an email to stumpmaker@gmail.com

Join Us if you would like to go on our tours, question our experts, or share information on forest ecology and forest management with our members


Landowners who attend one of our tours in 2013 will receive the Colorado Tree Farmer's forest management manual, "Saving Your Forest". Currently certified Tree Farmers can get a manual by bringing a neighbor or friend to one of our tours.